ISE Partners

Pride DEI Event 2024: Reflect. Empower. Unite. An Evening with ISE Partners

At ISE Partners, we are still reflecting on the invaluable insights shared by Alexander Gabbutt from LGBT Great during our Pride event.

The theme of the evening was β€œSeeing is Believing,” highlighting the profound impact of role models. It is important to remember LGBTQ+ talent actively seeks visible role models, which directly influences their feelings and behaviours in several ways:

πŸ’› On Talent: Visible role models make an organisation more attractive to prospective LGBTQ+ talent.
πŸ’› On Confidence: Visible role models boost confidence, particularly among LGBTQ+ community members.
πŸ’› On Customers and Clients: Visible role models enhance how LGBTQ+ customers and clients perceive the attractiveness of engaging with an organisation.

We are grateful to everyone who attended and contributed so enthusiastically, we look forward to our future events!


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